Save stacks periodically to avoid crashes?

Jon Seymour jonseymour at
Fri Mar 24 11:49:26 EST 2006

Hi, I've been using Rev for about a year. I'm sure it won't shock  
most of you to hear that periodically Rev just seems tired and  
crashes. Now I am sure that coding glitches are sometimes at fault,  
but generally speaking I think Rev (esp. 2.7) has stability issues.  
Here's the thing, though: it seems that if I am saving the stack  
periodically, which I would tend to do to avoid losing data in a  
crash, the program actually crashes less. It's as if saving has some  
benefit to memory management or who-knows-what-else in the engine.  
It's like a "refresh" function. Has anyone else observed this? Is  
there a rationale? Would it be smart to have a commercial application  
save its stacks regularly, not only to store user changes, but simply  
to confer stability?


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