Pixel Question

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Mar 23 12:01:37 EST 2006

Hi Bob and Richard,

> Bob Warren wrote:
>> Suppose I have 2 cards in a stack and I am moving the mouse over  
>> the top card (naturally). I want to know what colour is under the  
>> mouse pointer in a corresponding position on the 2nd card which is  
>> hidden underneath.

sorry this is not possible right out of the box.
"the mousecolor" will only for the "actual" pixel under the cursor.

> Richard G. wrote:
> get the mouseColor

maybe a whiff of sleep wouldn't hurt... ;-)

>  Richard Gaskin
>  Managing Editor, revJournal
>  _______________________________________________________
>  Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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