filter list

liamlambert liamlambert at
Wed Mar 8 14:51:08 EST 2006

I find my self answering my own question  here
I thought I would remove what I did not need and replace with a tab  
so I could
use it in a dataBase this works but how do I put a return after the  
last entry

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on FilterText
   put the htmlText of field "Text" into myHTML
   replace "<p>" with empty in myHTML
   replace "</p>" with empty in myHTML
   replace "Name:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Roll Number:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Address:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Principal/Director:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Phone:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Fax:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Email:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Website:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Female Enrolment:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Male Enrolment:" with tab in myHtml
   replace "Type:" with tab in myHtml
  set the htmlText of field "Text" to myHTML
end FilterText

Liam Lambert
liamlambert at

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