[OT] Market Share

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Thu Jun 29 22:25:56 EDT 2006


I don't disagree with anything you say. I only disagree with early
comments regarding Mac marketshare.



On 6/29/06, Mark Smith <mark at maseurope.net> wrote:
> OTOH, Chipp, wouldn't it make more sense for  developers be more
> interested in installed base, rather than the last years market
> share? (Not that I have any idea what those figures might be). And
> even then, if you're developing in a particular area, these installed
> base/market share figures can be wildly different anyway.
> I mean, no-one can seriously deny that the majority of the world is
> using Windows, but this does not at all mean that the other OS's
> should simply  be ignored by the business-minded developer. I know
> you know that, and I know that this list is hardly a place where the
> Macintosh needs much defending, but I think the point is worth
> making. After all, Rev's cross platform ability is one of it's
> biggest plus-points for many here.
> Not that it's a perfect metaphor, but while Toyota is obviously a
> much bigger company than BMW, is a BMW dealership necessarily a worse
> business than a Toyota dealership? (I read somewhere that BMWs market
> share is around 1 to 2%).

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