Getting Started from Metacard

Ray Horsley ray at
Thu Jun 29 18:33:30 EDT 2006


I'm just getting started trying to setup Revolution and running into 
some road blocks.  Any help is certainly appreciated.

There must be a keyboard shortcut to get to the script of the 
RevMenuBar stack or the script of the first card in it, other than 
typing into the message box:

edit the script of cd 1 of stack "RevMenuBar"

I'm used to simply typing command-option-S, or command-option-C.

I'd also like to modifiy some other keyboard shortcuts in the 
RevMenuBar stack, but adding an 'on commandKeyDown' handler to this 
stack's first card does nothing.  Other things I'd like to be able to 

Command-Option-click an object should open its script
Command-A in the script editor should Select All.  Sometimes it does, 
sometimes it doesn't.

After topLeveling the RevMenuBard stack I've commented out the 
MoveStack handler, but moving the stack still locks it to some 
invisible grid.

Using the answer command brings up a window with a Revolutions icon in 
it.  If I delete the icon from this stack I end up with all kinds of 
script errors.

Once again, any help on these is greatly appreciated.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

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