Is there any easy way to...

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Jun 29 06:36:26 EDT 2006

On 29/6/06 11:23, Jim Ault wrote:
> Is there any easy way to fix the totally aggravating behavior of Rev 2.7.2
> on a Duo Mini Mac which is single monitor, from ....
>     moving palettes up under the Mac menubar after relaunching Rev?
> The tools and inspector stack title bars become unreachable thus unmoveable.
> Yes, I can go to the preferences, select show UI in app browser, look down
> the list to find the stack name to use,
> then type in the message box "set the top of stack "mmmm" to 100
> It seems that if the palette was slightly off the screen when quitting Rev
> or it crashes (which was the last occurrence), things get very aggravating.

Voting for this might help:

Otherwise, because this bites me so frequently (especially because I work on a 
PowerBook, which switches regularly from being sole monitor, to being the 
second monitor, to the left and below an external main monitor)  I have a 
button on my modified toolbar, which does this:

  on mouseUp
    set the dialogData to "Select a window to relocate" & return & the windows
    modal stack "MyTBListDlog"
    put the dialogData into tWinName
    if tWinName = empty then exit mouseUp
    set the loc of window tWinName to the screenloc
    set the top of window tWinName to 120
  end mouseUp

(MyTBListDlog simply presents a line format list, lets you click one line and 
OK, or cancel.)

Not quite sure why it sets both the loc and the top - probably it did one, 
then I added the other - but it's been that way for about four years now...

   Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at
   Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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