Parameters of pending messages

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Mon Jun 26 13:33:52 EDT 2006

On 25/6/06 19:42, Peter T Evensen wrote:
> Is there any way to get the parameters that were passed to pending 
> messages?
> What I want to do is suspend pending messages when a stack is suspended 
> and then reinstate them when the stack is resumed.  I just realized 
> pendingMessages() only gives the message name, not any of the parameters.
> Any help would be appreciated!

I think the best you can do is store the parameters (or whatever useful info 
you need to key on) in a global or script-local array, keyed on the message ID.

If you're doing this a lot, you might want to buffer it by using your own 
handler wrapped round the "send" command, eg

on mySend tMessage, tDestination, tWhen
   global gaMessageID2message
   do "send tMessage to" && tDestination && "in" && tWhen
   get the result -- should be the message id
   put tMessage into gaMessageID2message[it]
end mySend

Your normal use could be something like:

	mySend "foo bar", "me", "3 seconds"

then when you're suspended, something like this
	put the pendingMessages into gSuspendedMessages
         repeat for each line tRec in gSuspendedMessages
	  cancel message id (item 1 of tRec)
	end repeat

and when you're resumed:
	repeat for each line tRec in gSuspendedMessages
	  put item 1 of tRec into iOldMessageID
	  put (some calculation based on item 2 of tRec) into tWhen
	  mySend gaMessageID2message[iOldMessageID], (item, 4 of tRec), tWhen
         end repeat

NB all the above typed into email, not Rev, and some of it pseudo-code...

Obviously, depending on your actual situation you may be able to do something 
more elegant, eg if this only applies for something with a long and ugly 
destination expression, it might be easier not to have to make that into a 
properly quoted up string.


   Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at
   Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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