
Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Tue Jun 20 16:15:16 EDT 2006

On 6/20/06 12:52 PM, "Ton Kuypers" <tkuypers at> wrote:

> Any ideas on how to do this faster?
<<full quote below >>

One immediate change that could possibly help is to
>          put "file:" & vPDFpath into vURL
>          put url vURL into vColors --****
>          filter vColors1 with "*/Separation*"
>          replace "#20" with space in vColors  --****

>          put url vURL into vColors2
>          filter vColors2 with "*/DeviceN*"
>          replace "#20" with space in vColors2
>          replace "]" with "" in vColors2
        put cr & vColors2 after vColors  --****

Try this to see if it makes it work well enough.
There are other strategies for reading a file into memory using

open file fn
put 1 into x
put 50000000 into y
repeat forever 
read from file fn from x for y characters
if it is empty then exit repeat --no more chars to process
>          filter it with "*/Separation*"
>          replace "#20" with space in it
put cr & it after vColors
read from file from x for y characters
>          filter it with "*/DeviceN*"
>          replace "#20" with space in it
>          replace "]" with "" in it
put cr & it after vColors
add y to x
end repeat
close file fn
filter vColors without empty

--check the docs for details

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 6/20/06 12:52 PM, "Ton Kuypers" <tkuypers at> wrote:

> Hi gang... I need some help...
> A user selects a PDF file, I need to know what colors are in this PDF
> file.
> So far no good, I can read the data and filter out the unwanted lines.
> But this becomes a problem when the PDF file is 50 Mb or bigger...
> At this point I use:
>          put "file:" & vPDFpath into vURL
>          put url vURL into vColors1
>          put url vURL into vColors2
>          filter vColors1 with "*/Separation*"
>          replace "#20" with space in vColors1
>          filter vColors2 with "*/DeviceN*"
>          replace "#20" with space in vColors2
>          replace "]" with "" in vColors2
>          put vColors1 & vColors2 into vColors
> This way I get the lines containing the PDF colors, which I filter
> and use.
> On normal PDF's this happens on the fly, no delay at all...
> But one of my clients now sent me a 200 Mb PDF... And you can guess
> the problem: The file is loaded into memory twice, taking up more
> then 400 Mb of memory, just to get 3 or 4 lines of data... It's
> ssssllloooooowwwwwwwwww....
> Any ideas on how to do this faster?

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