Linux installation
Mark Wieder
mwieder at
Tue Jun 6 14:54:37 EDT 2006
Monday, June 5, 2006, 4:24:01 PM, you wrote:
> I have just conducted 2 experiments using Rev standalone programs that
> were created in Ubuntu:
> 1. My Picture Chooser Widget
> (see
> 2. A new app consisting of a window and all the script/data base
> support libraries available in the standalone settings
> They both ran perfectly in Kubuntu Live.
> Apart from possibly including external libraries (which I presume is the
> aim of the "externals" folder now accompanying Rev standalones), do you
> have any other type of Rev standalone you think is worth testing? If so,
> please send me the stack from Kubuntu and I'll try making a standalone
> in Ubuntu and running it in Kubuntu, or if you prefer, send me a
> standalone from Kubuntu and I'll se whether it runs OK in Ubuntu, or
> none of the above if you are already fed up with this thread!!.
Yes, I'm getting a bit tired of this thread. It's not quite OT, since
it does have to do with building linux standalones, but apparently
what I've been saying to you hasn't been getting through. I'll try one
more time and that's all I'll have to say on this thread.
<I tried running your linux standalone on Windows 3.1 and it wouldn't
run. Could it be that some OS resources are missing?>
I have no doubt that the two standalones you created ran fine on the
Kubuntu live CD. I'm sure they would run fine on my installed system
as well. If they didn't then there would be serious problems creating
standalones for linux systems. I also have no doubt that I could boot
a Ubuntu live CD and run your app without problems.
The problem lies with that RB thing you created to return the folder
locations, and in particular with the fact that it's relying on the
GIMP toolkit libraries for some GUI presentations. Not knowing any
more details about what you did there I can't comment further on it.
But it WILL NOT RUN on any linux system that does not have the gtk
installed. Gnome by definition uses these libraries. Kde does not.
I seriously doubt that your folder app will run on your Kubuntu live
CD. I notice it's not on the list of apps you tested.
I could install the gtk (and I will as soon as I have a need to do
some serious graphics on my Kubuntu box) and then the problem will be
resolved. For my box, not for kde in general. Your RGB app should also
run properly on any linux system that has the libraries installed.
This is a development system for me, so I didn't install a bunch of
bloat I didn't need. For right now, that includes GIMP.
As I see it, there is no problem with creating a runrev standalone (or
executable, or whatever you want to call it) that runs on any flavor
of linux. The problem with your folder app is a problem with RealBasic
relying on the presence of the GIMP libraries for its GUI. As long as
it's clear that the app will only run on a kde box if the libraries
are installed, then that shouldn't be an issue. If you're going to
require certain libraries be present for your app to run, then you
should either a) include them, b) list them as requirements, or c)
test for their presence when your app starts up.
-Mark Wieder
mwieder at
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