how the internet works : the official explanation

barryb at barryb at
Thu Jul 6 06:22:42 EDT 2006

The pigeon - airplane metaphore was certainly well contrived by Andre but care should be taken in copying it literally (n.b. Peter and Dan). 

Pigeons CANNOT make round trips or even deliver outgoing messages! 
 If you want one to carry a message you must first take the bird to the starting point (probably by plane), attach the message and then send it home (hence the name 'homing pigeon').
 That is: only the owner of the pigeon can receive a message carried by it and if they try to send OUT a message the bird will 
just fly in circles with it around their own house!
Internet-wise this would be like taking a blank message by hand, or snailmail, to a friend and waiting for them fill it in and send it back by email!

As for the Senators discorse I can only add the Italian Parliament Member's declaration that "internet should be taught in schools", whatever that means, anyway most teachers would probably have to learn from the students!

"Every Government should carry a Health Warning" 

OK, I'm rambling again.
Thanks for all the kind answers to my first 'ramblings'

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