Linux on PPC and RR

Garrett Hylltun garrett at
Wed Jul 5 16:39:09 EDT 2006

Richmond Mathewson wrote:
> Now, for some daft reason, I thought I would pop RR for Linux 2.2.1 on the G4
>  - and, it, did, not, work (and, the, commas, signal, something, which, is, 
> probably, better, not, put, into, words).
> Does this mean that:
> Runtime Revolution for Linux only works on Intel machines?

I believe so, as I tried running Rev itself and Rev produced exectuables 
on Ubuntu PPC also.  I was hoping that it would work, but doubted it 
would since x86 linux apps and PPC Linux apps are not compatible at all.

IMO though, PPC is probably nearing an end on the desktop computer 
market.  With Apple even dumping it, there's not a whole lot left out 
there for the PPC except for specialty markets such as handhelds and such.

PPC boxes will soon be a thing of the past, like 8086's and 8088's, 
286's and 386's.

> As I am gently moving away from all forms of commercial software towards OpenSource 
> (on my income in Bulgaria, I have a straight choice: do what most Bulgarians do: 
> i.e. live in a totally Pirate, totally Windows world - not good, and potentially a bit risky
> when the country manages to sneak into the European Community - or use Free software),
> the only software I am likely to pay for in the future is Runtime Revolution. But my Macs
> (despite their not being the most modern) will be good and servicable for many years to come
> (believe me, I still use a BBC Master to teach PASCAL and BASIC) - especially if they
> become dual-system with both Mac OS and a form of PPC Linux.
> Please don't tell me I am the only person running Linux on a PPC; because I am not!

No, you're not.  I dual boot my PPC MacMini here with Ubuntu.  Why? 
Ummm, just because I guess.  I had no legit reason, just wanted to see 
if could be done.  Running Rev off of it was just another thrill seeking 
quest.  :-)


> PS. By the way . . . has anybody else discoverd "GIMPSHOP" ? its GIMP "tarted up" for those of
> us who got used to Photoshop but can no longer stump up the money - its really very good indeed!

Straight up 100% pure Gimp for me.  For me I need the consistent setup 
for whatever OS I am working on.  So I have Gimp on Windows, Linux and 
OS X.  The last thing my feeble mind needs is complication and confusion.


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