nested ifs

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Wed Jan 25 05:46:22 EST 2006

Hi Chipp,

I noticed that too. The compiler seems to be confused but should not...
Systematically, I never use a single line conditional statement  
before an "else" or an "end if" to avoid problems.
Adding a line between (even a blank one) makes the problem vanish :-)

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 25 janv. 06 à 11:32, Chipp Walters a écrit :

> I like to do the following:
> if tResult is "Error" then
>   answer "Go Ahead anyway" with "Cancel" or "OK"
>   if it is "Cancel" then exit to top
> end if
> Most of the time it compiles, but sometimes the single line if  
> statement in the middle throws and error and won't compile, so I'm  
> forced to do:
> if tResult is "Error" then
>   answer "Go Ahead anyway" with "Cancel" or "OK"
>   if it is "Cancel" then
>     exit to top
>   end if
> end if
> Anyone know why the compiler does this? I can't seem to figure out  
> under what circumstances this seems to happen.

----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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