Standalone question - Is it safe to lock a card by password like this?

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Jan 15 00:35:41 EST 2006

On 1/14/06 9:56 PM, "alex wu" <alex298298 at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a Admin card in my standalone application that
> only allow the administator to use.  My first idea is
> to use a password to control access of the card:
> on mouseUp
>   ask "Please provide your Admin password."
>   if it is "correctpassword" then
>      go to card "admin"
>   else
>      answer "Password is not correct!"
>   end if
> end mouseUp
> Is it safe? Or do you have other better methods to
> control access of a card.

Better is to use the "ask password" command - it allows people to enter a
password, but they get asterisks instead. I'd use it with the "clear"

on mouseUp
  ask password clear "Please provide your Admin password."
  if it is "correctpassword" then
     go to card "admin"
     answer "Password is not correct!"
  end if
end mouseUp

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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