Print from TL to BR - doesn't

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Feb 26 23:15:00 EST 2006

Hershel Fisch wrote:
> On 2/26/06 5:31 PM, "Terry Judd" <tsj at> wrote:
> According tho doc. Its topLeft to rightBottom
> Where its bottomRight which returns an integer when done in the message box,
> but in a button returns the same error.

The term for getting a set of coordinates is "bottomRight". In the docs, 
"rightBottom" is just a variable name that is supposed to hold some numbers.

To print, you need to provide the numerical coordinates of the rectangle 
you want to print. Do something like this:

   put "10,10" into theTopLft
   put the bottomRight of this cd into theBotRt -- gives "640,480" for 
   print this card from theTopLft to theBotRt

See if that works.
Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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