Standalone graphic

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Feb 23 14:19:07 EST 2006

Paul Consolo wrote:
> Surely a silly question, but I'm loosing lot of time.
> When I've build a standalone of my stack, all controls have lost the aqua
> theme and seems now derived from old OS 9! Why? What I have mistaken?

The standalone builder is not including the plugins necessary to display 
OS X themes. For now, you can copy them from the Revolution application 
bundle (copy the entire Plugins folder) and paste them into your 
standalone. If you don't know how to do that, ask and we can help you.

A few people are experiencing this problem and I have been trying to 
track down why. Most of us don't see it. However, one thing I have 
noticed is that many of those who experience the failure are from 
non-English-speaking countries. I wonder if the difference is the file 
paths on non-English copies of OS X.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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