Spell checking in Rev apps?

Scott Morrow scott at elementarysoftware.com
Mon Feb 20 21:50:30 EST 2006

This topic has kept my interest for some time.
Jean-Baptiste LE STANG has written an AppleScript extension  <   
http://www.lestang.org/ >  that allows a link to Apple's OSX spell  
checking engine.  It can be used with Revolution to create a spell  
checker.  Obviously it requires OSX (version 10.3 or better,  
actually) and so will not provide the general solution that the  
others (and myself) are looking for.
  I have placed an example solution in the RevOnline User Space under  
username "Scott"  - or from the message box:

  go URL "http://elementarysoftware.com/rev_demos/spellcheck_demo.rev"

I continue working towards a more generalized solution... an attempt  
at which I have just recently included in a Beta application.  My  
biggest difficulties have been with speed (checking more than 2 pages  
of text becomes poky) and with returning good phonetic suggestions.

For word banks I am using:
Spell Checking Oriented Word Lists (SCOWL)
by Kevin Atkinson

For returning phonetic suggestions I am using a variation of Double  
Metaphone, based on Lawrence Phillips algorithm.

If I ever come up with something solid I'll be sure and notify the  
list.   :  )
-Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)
web     http://elementarysoftware.com/
email   scott at elementarysoftware.com


On Feb 20, 2006, at 1:55 PM, Garrett Hylltun wrote:
> Greetings,
> Has anyone ever found a way to add spell checking ability into  
> resulting rev apps?
> Thanks,
> -Garrett

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