[Tip] Propeties & sets & List of 'reserved words' and gotchas

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Mon Feb 20 20:15:16 EST 2006

>Let me see if I understand correctly.  Are you saying you can't do 
>something like this:
>set the uMyPropSet["name"] of this stack to "my value"

yes! did you try this??

reserved words, maybe, but duplicate properties names -- nope.
Is this a bug or just the way it is?

>I use rev reserved words all of the time using array notation and 
>have never had problems.  Am I not understanding something?
>Trevor DeVore
>Blue Mango Multimedia
>trevor at mangomultimedia.com

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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