Standalones, externals, file paths in 2.7

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Feb 18 13:00:11 EST 2006

Jon Seymour wrote:
> When I launch the exe, the splash  
> screen shows and then fails to go anywhere. Two possible problems, I  
> think: first, there is a change in the methodology used to construct  
> filepaths for Win in 2.7, or...this Externals folder wants to house  
> altBrowser and that is somehow causing a problem. Any thoughts? I do  
> not develop on Win so I'm a little stuck.

I haven't tested the Windows version yet, but I know the method for 
constructing file paths has not changed.  That isn't the problem.

You might try putting the external into that "extra" folder just to see 
what happens, until someone else has a chance to verify or resolve the 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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