massive xml docs

Marielle Lange mlange at
Mon Feb 13 08:14:32 EST 2006

Hi Todd,

I don't know how it would behave with a 100MB file but here is the  
method I use to get the data from a particular node of the tree  
without having to construct the full tree.

Best wishes,

#  Get Tag Content In XML tree
# --   @Description: Get the content of a tag, given a path in the  
xml tree
# --                       A tag tree has the following syntax:  
# --                        <node1>...<node2>...<node3>data</ 
# --   @Returns:  Content part when <Tag( Params)?> __Content__</ 
Tag>    (text string)

function getTagContent_XML pXMLtext, pTagTree
   IF pXMLtext is empty THEN terminate("BUG x. An empty content was  
given to parse. pXMLtext shouldn't be empty in function  
   IF pTagTree is empty THEN terminate("BUG x. No Tag Tree was  
specified. pTagTree shouldn't be empty in function _getTagContentXML.")
   set the itemdel to ":"
   replace quote with empty in pTagTree    -- This is to get rid of  
quotes in case there is any
   repeat for each item tTag in pTagTree
     put getTagContent_XML(pXMLtext, tTag) into pXMLtext
   end repeat
   return pXMLtext
end getTagContent_XML
function getTagContent pXMLtext, pTagName,
# --   @Requires: swapEOL()  - not included here -- swaps end of  
lines from cr to ¬ to allow for multiline matches with matchtext
# --   @Requires: stripInitialTabs() -- not included here
   put swapEOL(pXMLtext, "remove") into pXMLtext
   if matchtext(pXMLtext, "(?i)<" & pTagName & "[ ]?[^>]*>(.+?)</" &  
pTagName & ">", tTagContent) is false then return empty
   put swapEOL(tTagContent, "restore")  into tTagContent
   put stripInitialTabs(tTagContent) into pXMLtext
   return pXMLtext
end getTagContent

Marielle Lange (PhD),  Psycholinguist

Alternative emails: mlange at,

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