Bugzilla down - Revzilla loses its mind

Bill Marriott wjm at wjm.org
Fri Dec 22 12:42:19 EST 2006

Bugzilla? What's that?

"Tereza Snyder" <tereza at califex.com> wrote in 
message news:86308719-1090-4B95-A5F5-0F440652B638 at califex.com...
>I suppose Runtime Revolution will make an announcement soon, but I 
>discovered that between yesterday and today, Rev's Bugzilla webpage  has 
>been replaced with an announcement of improvements to come in the  new 
>year. Ken's Revzilla can't find its info - so all its buttons are  blank.
> Poop!
> All the bugs are running out of the woodwork just because the cat's  away!

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