INterfacing with Phidgets...

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Dec 21 06:09:52 EST 2006

Stephen Barncard wrote:
> And Phidgets are annoyingly PC-Centric!!
>>  (a) Phidgets are very cheap, compared with the other direct USB 
>>devices I've spotted (eg SERVICE USB) (and SERVICE USB is curiously 

Yes (and I'm Mac centric myself) but my point is that SERVICE USB - curiously
since it's a piece of hardware that will work on any platform - *only* offers
the basic driver or any software for Macs.  It's nice that Revolution have
done a hookup with them, and it's nice that they promote the Rev interface
ahead of all the other ones; but from the point of view of Rev users, it's a
(pricey, limited) solution only available on one platform.  The fact that
happens to be my preferred platform is nice for me, but does nothing for Rev.

It's true that Phidgets are considerably more Windows oriented than Mac
orientated; but they're not exclusively Windows: they do offer the basic
library and some other bits on Mac (and source code for Linux).

So if RunRev would care to work with them, as they apparently did with the
SERVICE USB folks, they could potentially have a multi-platform solution to
match the multi-platform nature of Rev (and with more options than just the
generic I/O of SERVICE USB).

   Ben Rubinstein          |  Email: benr_mc at
   Cogapp                  |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600   |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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