PDF and Rev

Bruce A. Pokras macstacks at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 19 21:44:21 EST 2006

>I'm using Rev 2.5...
>>  >Launch document?
>>  This was added in Rev 2.7.1
>>  Just tested, this works in Rev 2.7.4gm Mac (without word wrap):
>>  launch document "/Applications Third
>>  Enterprise/2.7.1-gm-1/Documentation/pdf/users_guide/all.pdf"
>>  >
>>  >These are native rev calls. These don't work for you?
>  > >


Here are some shell scripts that were actually posted a long while 
ago, so they might work under Rev 2.5.  They will launch the default 
browser, PDF reader or text editor (depending upon the type of file 
it is you are trying to launch). I have them in an app of mine, and 
they seem to work fine.

Bruce Pokras
mac-stacks at kagi.com
Blazing Dawn Software

on DisplayFile launchFile -- launchFile is the full path to the file

if the platform is "MacOS" and char 1 of the systemVersion is "1" then
     openMac launchfile -- if there is not going to be a Classic 
version, there's no need to test for the systemVersion
   else if the platform is "Win32" then
     get the shortFilePath of launchFile

     replace "/" with "\" in it
     if the systemVersion contains "Windows 4" then
       openWin4 it
     else if the systemversion contains "NT" then
       openWin5 it
     end if
   end if
end displayFile

on openMac theDoc
   get shell("/usr/bin/open '" & theDoc & "'" )
end openMac

on openWin4 theDoc
   set the hideConsoleWindows to true
   get shell("cmd /c" && theDoc )
end openWin4

on openWin5 theDoc
   set the hideConsoleWindows to true
   put shell("start" && theDoc )
end openWin5

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