Importing data into standalones (and saving it)

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Dec 14 08:37:41 EST 2006

Hi Richard,

You can't save a standalone.
You are obliged to store the data you want to display in the field in  
another file:
This one may be shipped with the app or, better, automatically  
retrieved from the internet where it may be specific for an app and  
updated if needed.

Le 14 déc. 06 à 14:28, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

> I am trying to "knock up" a testing program for a
> client - the client will need to import a type of
> delimited text file into a field of the standalone,
> save that and then distribute the standalone with the
> loaded text; the client would like to do that
> repeatedly with a large number of text files.
> Help gratefully recieved,  Richmond Mathewson

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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