Play One Movie On Top of Another?
katir at
Thu Aug 24 18:47:02 EDT 2006
Another one of my "ask for the moon" queries:
Is it possible to have one movie playing as a background object and
another movie playing on top of it at the same time? Actually what I
would really like is to have a movie running in the background (layer 1)
looping with no controller or border; an animated GIF running on top of
that (Layer 2:) where frames are presented under script control), and
yet another Quicktime moving on top of that (layer three, topmost, )
with a controller that the user can use to stop) I tried, but I don't
think it works, but before i give up, I just thought I would ask.
User could stop the top most moving, scripted buttons sitting on top of
the background movies are active...
Context is:
Having some branding motion graphics subtly playing in the background
and then present a specific movies on top. The player on top might
change out to other movies, with user interaction from a pull down menu
or static side bar of links which dynamically reset the topmost player's
URL to a remote.SMIL file. i.e. different user events are happening...
underneath it all the motion graphics movie is running continuously on
a loop.
I'd rather not have to go into Final Cut Pro and Shake to composite all
this if there's a way in Rev to just have movies running on top of each
Alternate strategies, possible directions to go with, etc., welcome.
This is in the brainstorming stages...or maybe it's a matter of "video
cards just can't do that!"
There's ways to do this with SMIL where we could leave a blank region in
the center and run motion graphics in other /seq 's round it in the
areas outside a central blank region, and of course QT renders this in a
single video layer, but, it would be a lot easier in Rev if such
layering of animated objects is doable.
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