QT Player controls frozen in Deamcard 2.7.2

Andrew Nelson andrewnelson at mac.com
Wed Aug 23 10:14:33 EDT 2006

I was right about my build of Dreamcard 2.7.2 being buggy. I downloaded 2.7.3 this A.M. and the movie players worked fine!

 Now I just have to wait for the player version to catch up so I can run it successfully in class (Dreamcard player can't run files from a new version of DreamCard apparently). I keep my full version of DreamCard on my iBook and just use the DreamCard Player on my presentation iMac G5 because I eventually want to share my stacks with other music teachers in my school system who will only want to use the free player.

Would another option be to break down and buy the new Revolution Media 2 for my presentation computer iMac G-5 and keep creating stacks on my iBook with DreamCard ?

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