[TIP] systemWindow and windowShape properties

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Mon Aug 21 07:51:54 EDT 2006

Hi Sean,

> I don't remember seeing anything posted about this on the list, so  
> I thought I'd share my frustration with you all ;-)
> You need to set the "windowShape" property before the  
> "systemWindow" property (and the "shadow" property).. It seems that  
> if you set the "windowShape" property after it resets those  
> properties.. *sigh* Anyways, thought I'd share that to save someone  
> else a few hours of tracking down why it doesn't work properly..

thanks a lot for this info!

Right now I have to deal with this problem and was VERY delighted,
that you posted this yesterday :-)

Best from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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