Beep question

Dar Scott dsc at
Thu Aug 17 13:51:11 EDT 2006

On Aug 17, 2006, at 7:33 AM, LunchnMeets at wrote:

> Mac OSX is my system.

I tried this on 2.7.3 on OS X 10.4.7.

I made one button with beep and answer.

Another had only answer.

I muted the sound.

I could not tell the difference.  I had a vague feeling that one  
delayed every once in a while, but I wasn't sure.

The time to execute the beep call is about 2.5 ms.  The beep sound on  
OS X is about a half second by ear.  I infer that the sound takes  
place after the beep is executed.

It takes 0.4 second for the answer to pop up on my machine.  If it is  
similar on yours, that might give the impression that it is waiting  
for the beep.

Now if you want the beep to occur right after the answer dialog box  
pops up try this:

on mouseUp
   send "beep" to me in 0 seconds
   answer "This notification comes with sound."
end mouseUp

To my perception they are part of the same action.

What's happening is that 'answer' and 'ask' are implemented in, uh,  
Revolution and there is probably a 'wait with messages' to allow the  
button or field messages to work.  Other messages also work.

If you have a lot going on, you might want to change that to -100  
seconds to queue the beep ahead of pending messages (but not sockets  
messages on OS X).

If you are not comfortable with sending beep, you can send a message  
to a small handler that does a beep.

Dar Scott

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