Front Row/Remote

Ian Wood revlist at
Sat Apr 22 13:20:07 EDT 2006

You can certainly launch Front Row via AppleScript, it was mentioned  
when the 'hacked' copies were floating around:

tell application "System Events"
	tell application "Front Row" to activate
	key code 53 using {command down}
end tell

And once FR is up and running it accepts arrow keys, enter and escape.

Chris - I'm not sure there is any easy way of intercepting the  
messages from the remote - it certainly doesn't send rawkeyup or  
rawkeydown messages to the frontmost app. :-(


On 22 Apr 2006, at 18:10, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

> I did find an interesting code snippet for perl for a touch screen  
> device which shows that FrontRow can at least be made to activate.  
> I am thinking that systemevents might have more control options  
> than the built in AS functions.

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