How to manage memory load in standalone substacks?

Ben Bock benbock at
Tue Apr 18 14:49:22 EDT 2006

I have to build a standalone, and I'm now working on the splash screen and management scripts for the 10 substacks.  Some of the substacks are ~75 MB, and one has 5 different videoclip players.    I don't want to use up all RAM, and don't understand the ins and outs of the substacks in a standalone.  I will need to open the 5 videoclips at different times throughout the standalone.  Does a Rev standalone only load these when needed, or load all substacks when the splash screen is opened?  How do you limit what opens to save RAM and avoid slowing?

I would like something along the lines of this in the last card of the splash screen, which might be buggy:

on mouseUp
close this stack
open stack "videoclips" -- But I only want a single videoclip to load at a time
go card "video 1" of stack "videoclips" --and have the videoclip load
end mouseUp

--then the player plays the clip, the player script:

on playStopped

hide me

end playStopped

lock messages 

-- prevent sending playStopped down the line

unlock messages

close stack "videoclips"

I suspect the answer is easy, but I haven't find straight answers in searching the docs.  I may have made several mistakes in these scripts, I'm still new with Rev.

thanks for any help,


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