Windows Player Won't Play What Plays On Mac

Iden Rosenthal iden at
Sun Apr 9 17:41:40 EDT 2006

I have a one field one card stack with three sentences of text. I  
want to highlight each sentence (well ideally each word as it is read  
but that I am leaving for right now) as it is read. What I have  
written works fine on the Mac using the Player for Mac. It doesn't  
play on the Windows player. In an earlier incarnation of this stack I  
was just selecting the text to be read. That version read the text  
aloud in Windows but it didn't select any of the text except the last  
sentence. Now when I am trying to set the foregroundColor of the text  
to be read the Windows player not only doesn't set the color, it  
doesn't even read the text.

Is there a good reference for how to write for the Windows player,  
i.e. what works and what doesn't?

on mouseUp
   put fld "maintext" into theText
   set the itemDelimiter to "."
   repeat with k = 1 to the number of items in theText
     put item k of theText into theSentence
     set the foregroundColor of item k of fld "maintext" to blue
       revspeak theSentence
     catch theError
     end try
     wait until revIsSpeaking() is false
     set foregroundColor of item k of fld "maintext" to black
   end repeat

   set the itemDelimiter to ","
end mouseUp

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