[Ticket#: 2006040510000641] Re: [OT] Articles to read

Dan Shafer revolutionary.dan at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 13:38:58 EDT 2006


While I found much to agree with in your post, your gratuitous swipes at
"the severe cases of
denial that key contributers to this list seem to suffer from" was one I
couldn't let pass without comment. I'm sure I'm on that list.

It's not denial. It's different experience. As Rob Cozens has pointed out
quite cogently, the fact that you experience bugs in the IDE and others
don't doesn't mean they're in denial. It may mean a lot of things. Maybe
they've developed some reflex that keeps them from doing certain things a
certain way because when they do, things break. Maybe they're exercising
completely different parts of the IDE from you. Maybe there are system
configuration issues at work that none of us yet understands. There are many
reasons a "key contributor" to this list might not experience or report the
same problems as others but you need not attribute a bad motivation of
denail or (as you do later in your post) politics. None of us has a thing to
gain from defending Rev when it shouldn't be defended and I can guarantee
you that every one of those "key contributors" has at one time or another
been as vocal and vociferous about their bug experiences as you are now.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
>From http://www.shafermediastore.com/tech_main.html

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