[OT-sorta] Bootcamp, (NOT BASECAMP) and the new cat LEOPARD

Byron Turner byront at mac.com
Wed Apr 5 18:10:04 EDT 2006

I'm not sure why (you or the Times) think Apple cares one way or the  
other if someone screws up their Mac trying to get windows working as  
Apple won't support windows or other people's software.  Besides, if  
someone screws up their Mac enough, they may have to give Apple some  
cash to repair it. Now, as to why release it now, my speculation  
(which all any of this is) is that:

A, its ready now
B. Apple is pumping the developer conference and, as you can see,  
they are touting this as a feature of Leopard.
C. Look at Apple's skyrocketing stock price. Not only does Apple own  
lots of its own stock, but consider what this is doing to Apple's  
mind share especially a week after the Vista delay announcement.  
Microsoft announces, "we can't do windows" while Apple announces "but  
we CAN"
D. consider all of the above and what this will mean for sales during  
Apple's traditionally weakest quarter.

Lastly, I don't see a valid argument for why virtualization is better  
than dual booting as it depends on what one wants to accomplish. I've  
owned every version of Virtual PC but I bought a MacBook specifically  
for the potential to dual boot. Any time I test an app in virtual PC  
I always wonder, and how will it run on the real thing. Now, I don't  
have to wonder, nor do I have to keep a PC box around. I can now feel  
confident that Dell will never get another dime from me and I feel  
pretty good about that. Now if I could just cut Microsoft out  . .  
legally . .


On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:38 AM, Jim MacConnell wrote:

> Makes sense.
> An article in the New York Times this AM about creating a dual boot  
> system on your own probably forced Apple's hand. Better to do it  
> officially rather than risk having someone kill their system by  
> doing it wrong.
>  http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/05/technology/ 
> techspecial4/05pogue.html? 
> ex=1144900800&en=b61d37f327433864&ei=5070&emc=eta1
> My opinion.... Choosing boot options definitely not as valuable as  
> parallel systems with cut & paste, etc. even if you take a  
> performance hit.
> Jim
> On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:20 AM, Stephen Barncard wrote:
>> I'm sure there will be 50 third party hacks but the news was that  
>> Apple offered this but what I thought was remarkable is that Apple  
>> offered this.
>>> A 3rd party is creating a virtualization system that will let you  
>>> run XP and OS X at the same time:
>>> http://www.macnn.com/articles/06/04/04/virtualization.software/
>>> At 11:05 AM 4/5/2006, you wrote:
>>>> Hey this is interesting....
>>>> CUPERTINO, California-April 5, 2006-Apple® today introduced Boot  
>>>> Camp, public
>> --
>> stephen barncard
>> s a n  f r a n c i s c o
>> - - -  - - - - - - - - -
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