Detecting Adobe Reader

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Apr 5 13:44:44 EDT 2006

On 4/5/06 9:05 AM, "revolution at"
<revolution at> wrote:

> I need to detect the presence of Adobe Reader (and the version if possible) on
> Windows 98 thru XP, Mac OS9, and Mac OSX. I have searched the archives, but
> the 
> code I found there was for starting and running Reader with a pdf file. I just
> need 
> to "silently" detect its presence or absence.

Here's a function I use (watch for line wraps):

function stsPathToAcrobat
  switch (the platform)
  case "MacOS"
    put format("tell app \"Finder\"") & cr & \
        format("get application file id \"CARO\" as text") & cr & \
        "end tell" into tScript
    do tScript as "AppleScript"
    if the result = "execution error" then return ""  -- doesn't exist
    else return replaceText(the result,quote,"")
  case "Win32"
    put "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AcroExch.Document\shell\open\command\" into tKey
    put word 1 to -2 of queryRegistry(tKey) into tPath
    return replaceText(tPath,quote,"")
  end switch
end stsPathToAcrobat

And you could just test to see if stsPathToAcrobat() returns empty or not.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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