"Rebranding" a Revolution .exe

Ivan Wong ivan_wongwh at yahoo.com.sg
Wed Sep 21 01:19:21 EDT 2005

Hello all,

Greetings from a new Revolution user (I'm not totally
new,  but upgraded recently from Dreamcard to Studio).

I am trying to create an software application which
will allow users to personalize the software. 
Basically,  I hope to allow users to insert their own
userid into a field named "AffiliateID" in the
application "Main App".

I am thinking of writing a separate "Rebrander"
application that will allow this.  Would appreciate
any pointers on how this could be achieved - would I
have to put the "AffiliateID" field in a separate
substack,  or is there some way that I can access the
internal fields of the compiled "Main App" from my
"Rebrander" app.

Hope my requirement makes sense,  and excuse me if I
am missing a simple solution to this.

thanks and regards,
Ivan Wong

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