Copy image content for object image empty.

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Sep 16 03:45:03 EDT 2005

Hi Gilberto Cuba.

> Hello colleagues,
> I am trying to copy an image that is in a stack for an object image  
> empty, but it doesn't work; that makes it is to copy a dirty image  
> for the object image.
> Script in the object image "Visor"
> on mouseUp
>    put the imagedata of image "img01" of this stack into tImageData
>    put the tImageData into the imagedata of image "Visor"
> end mouseUp
> I'm tried too with the property paintcompression, but not work,  
> i.e., i'm tried to put the paintcompression into object image "Visor".
> Some idea of as making it would be welcome.

you can simply put one image into another one :-)

But this only works with imported images, NOT with referenced images!

on mouseUp
    put image "img01" into image "Visor" ##of cd 17 of stack "another  
cool stack"
end mouseUp

This is a little less scripting and you do not have to take care that  
the dimensions
of both images are identical(!) as you have with "imagedata".

Hope that heps.

> Greetings,
> Gilberto Cuba

Regards from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at

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