Posting formdata to URL

Ton Kuypers tkuypers at
Mon Sep 12 08:27:29 EDT 2005


I have a problem posting a file to a website using RR

I need to supply some parameters and the file, just like a normal  
webform would post, but I keep on getting errors...
Uploading the file doesn't work, if I try to retrieve information  
including parameters, there is no problem (put URL XXX into url (/ 
Users/Ton/desktop/etc, etc, etc).
Using post vPostData to vURL then I get an error.

Anybody any suggestions how to upload a file to an .aspx page?

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers
Digital Media Partners bvba
Tel. +32 (0)477 / 739 530
Fax +32 (0)14 / 71 03 04

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