Darwin cgi engine and sendmail

Dave Cragg dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Sun Oct 30 12:29:33 EST 2005

On 30 Oct 2005, at 11:13, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Dave Cragg wrote:
>> Thanks for this. Very promising. I got it working from my normal   
>> machine (OS X 10.4.2) from both a regular stack and a cgi.
>> But I can't get it to run on the machine I want to use (OS X  
>> 10.3.9).  I get this error:
>>  postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file  
>> or  directory
>> Googling for this brings up a lot of discussion about unix/ 
>> postfix  configuration issues. (Not really a place I want to go.)  
>> But no  obvious solution so far.
> postfix is an email sending program - a replacement for the normal  
> sendmail.
> It is "sendmail compatible" (to some level of compatibility) -  
> sounds like it is either misconfigured, or somehow the machine has  
> got both sendmail and postfix running and they are in conflict.
> (www.postfix.org)
> I'd start by trying sendmail from the command line - can it send  
> mail at all ?
> If not, fix that before doing anything from Rev.
> If it can, then try a variant using the same switches as you intend  
> to use (may be a problem with mail lists, or multiple addresses,  
> etc. ) and then with the same list of addresses.
> .... and about then I run out of suggestions :-(

Thanks, Alex. As you probaby saw, I managed to get it working,  
applying the sophisticated method of "turning it on".

I've never paid much attention to how mail works on any computer I've  
used. I just take it for granted. On OS X, I knew that Postfix was  
installed, but had no idea how it was used, if at all, by e-mail  
applications. I still don't know.   I just hope by starting up  
postfix, I haven't created a calamity of any kind. Fingers crossed!. :-)


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