char values for DOS app

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Thu Oct 27 01:23:30 EDT 2005

I'm attempting to run a DOS app with this shell command:

   put shell("dosapp.exe < input1.txt > output1.txt") into fld 2

The DOS app uses 'pageDown', 'arrowKeyRight' and 'arrowKeyDown' values 
to advance through its menus. I tried putting those char values into my 
'input1.txt' file by putting special placeholders in the data, then 
converting them before writing the file, like this:

   replace "#" with numtochar(65366) in tData
   replace ">" with numtochar(65363) in tData
   replace "+" with numtochar(65364) in tData

My initial test indicate something is amiss, but I don't know for sure 
that these values are the problem.

My real question:
What values can I expect the DOS app to recognize as PageDown, 
ArrowRight and ArrowDown values?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Phil Davis

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