AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Oct 25 13:28:36 EDT 2005

On 10/25/05 11:48 AM, "Mark Wieder" <mwieder at> wrote:

> Marielle-
> Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4:05:38 AM, you wrote:
>> Sure, there is this mention at the very bottom of the matchtext
>> function. "Changes to Transcript: The regular expression format
>> changed in version 2.0 to use PCRE compatible syntax". But when I
>> tried the PCRE syntax in version 2.1, they were not working properly.
>> I read that in version 2.5 or 2.6 regular expressions had been
>> improved but there is no mention of PCRE in the "regular expression
>> syntax" popup and examples haven't changed.
>> So how was I supposed to know that this has been fixed?
> Fixed? I think the best way to explain regular expressions in runrev
> is that it supports a sparsely-documented subset of PCRE compatible
> syntax and that subset can change at any time.
> BZ #428, 2805, 3198

Actually, it *should* support the full form of PCRE, since that is the
library that was used when the put it into the engine. The bugs you identify
above are all enhancement requests, so they are not representative of actual
bugs with the engine - in fact the only other two bugs I could find were
related to docs and not PCRE support at all.

So AFAICT we have a full and complete PCRE implementation here, with no
'real' bugs associated with it.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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