AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Oct 25 12:13:13 EDT 2005

On 10/25/05 6:05 AM, "Marielle Lange" <mlange at> wrote:

> Many thanks for the information. As you probably realized, the
> problem is not that I am unfamiliar with PCRE (I have used it for a
> long times, in PHP), the problem is more that I never realized that
> revolution was now correctly implementing PCRE.

Actually, I didn't realize that, but thanks for making me aware of it. :-)
> Sure, there is this mention at the very bottom of the matchtext
> function. "Changes to Transcript: The regular expression format
> changed in version 2.0 to use PCRE compatible syntax". But when I
> tried the PCRE syntax in version 2.1, they were not working properly.
> I read that in version 2.5 or 2.6 regular expressions had been
> improved but there is no mention of PCRE in the "regular expression
> syntax" popup and examples haven't changed.
> So how was I supposed to know that this has been fixed?

This is a longstanding issue with RunRev which only in the most recent
(2.6.1) version has there been visible effort: knowing what's been fixed
between versions of Rev. Unfortunately the only way to know is to try it
again each release and see if it works... <sigh>
> Back to the idea of a community documentation system, compare the
> ease of reading and information finding for:
> and
> Aren't the user contributed notes very handy too? Wouldn't doc on the
> web contribute to revolution visibility? Honestly, what I do use
> for is for stealing ideas on how to code things... sometimes
> I translate this to revolution. A good wiki with rev doc could get
> other scripters very curious about revolution's extraordinary
> capabilities.

Oh, I totally agree!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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