Filtering for uniqueness in a list

Harvey Toyama harvey.toyama at
Thu Oct 20 10:49:27 EDT 2005

Hi Alex and Mark,
Thanks both of you for your advice. I used both techniques, they both
work, but I'll settle on the "split". It took me a while to figure out
why it works.

I had overlooked the "warning" in the split definition in prior reading.
Next time I'll pay more attention to the warnings -- better yet, I'll
regard "warning" as "opportunity".

-- Harvey
-----Original Message-----
From: use-revolution-bounces at
[mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alex
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:37 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Filtering for uniqueness in a list

Mark Wieder wrote:

>Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 5:08:44 PM, you wrote:
>>>put myVar into otherVar
>>>split otherVar by cr and TAB
>>>put the keys of otherVar into otherVar
>Dang! I never remember about split. Good one.
Yeah - I had to test it out to make sure it worked OK when the secondary

delimiter (e.g. TAB) didn't occur in any line, so I was pleased to see 
it work.

>Congrats on the move to broadband, BTW.
Thanks. Now that I can depend on connectivity (almost) all the time, I 
can try a few more interesting ways of dividing up applications between 
client and servers.

Alex Tweedly

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