Slightly OT: Setting privileges on OS-X
Sarah Reichelt
sarah.reichelt at
Wed Oct 19 19:16:20 EDT 2005
> Are there Unix-wizzkids out there?
> I've created a small RR app that creates a bunch of standard folders
> (like the list below) where users can drop job-related items in.
> Now I need to secure these folders, but not the content...
> The folders I create may not be deleted by a user, only by the owner,
> which will be me :-)) but the users are allowed to create new folders
> or files in the basic folders. These files and folders they should be
> able to change, delete, rename, etc.
Hi Ton,
I don't claim to be a Unix-wizzkid at all, but I have learnt some
stuff about privileges.
Each file or folder in Unix / OS X has 3 sets of privileges: owner,
group & guest.
There are 3 settings in each set: read, write and execute (r, w & x).
If you open a Terminal window and type "ls -l" and press Return, you
will see a list of items in the current folder. The first section of
the data shows the current privilege settings.
Here is an example:
-rwxr-xr-x a file where the owner can do anything (rwx) , the group
can read & execute but not write (r-x) and guests (anyone else) can
also read & execute but not write (r-x).
If the first character was "d" instead of "-", then it would be a
folder (directory).
To change these settings, you need to use the "chmod" command.
To add write privileges for all users to a file, use a command like this:
chmod a+w filename
To remove write privileges, use this:
chmod a-w filename
However this does not stop people deleting your files or folders. To
make a folder "sticky" i.e. make it so that users other than the owner
can only add files and not delete them, use this command:
chmod +t foldername
To make files undeletable, I would use an AppleScript to toggle their
"locked" setting:
Here is an example that asks for a file, then locks it so it cannot be deleted.
tell application "Finder"
set tFile to choose file
set the locked of file tFile to true
end tell
I hope this helps, but please email me directly if you think I can be
of any further assistance.
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