Showing a Windows file

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Mon Oct 17 17:28:33 EDT 2005

As you would have gathered by now, I don't know much about Windows,
but I have the following handler which shows a given file:

on showFileWin pFile
    replace "/" with "\" in pFile
    set the hideConsoleWindows to true
    get shell("explorer /select, "& quote & pFile & quote)
end showFileWin

This works fine (at least in XP) but only if the parent folder is not
already open. If the folder's window is closed, this script opens it
and selects the relevant file.

If the folder's window is already open, the script brings it to the
front, but does NOT select the new file. The file selected before
remains selected.

Does anyone know of any fix for this?


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