Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

Chipp Walters chipp at
Sun Oct 16 23:07:16 EDT 2005

Mark and Richard,

Thanks for the kind words about MagicCarpet. I agree, it's not 
everything for everybody, but it is used by a lot of Rev'ers to help 
manage their code.

Also, little known about MagicCarpet is it's ability to automate 
updating of applications via the MGC SplashScreen app. It's currently 
running in about 40 applications by myself and other Revers, both Mac 
and PC (and even 1 Linux user!).

It's not 'supported' but the instructions and splash screen download are at:

Also, interesting enough, the Filemaker community has picked up on 
MagicCarpet and are now starting to use it for their version control as 



Mark Wieder wrote:
> Richard-
> Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:55:59 AM, you wrote:
>>Magic Carpet's been around for a while, and many of us have written
> ...and it's about time someone posted the url...

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