Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

MisterX b.xavier at
Fri Oct 14 01:28:53 EDT 2005

On Behalf Of Dan Shafer
> I agree 100%. Unless, of course, I'm the sole source.
> Dan
> On Oct 13, 2005, at 4:17 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> > Back when I was doing hardware stuff, our one strict rule 
> was "never 
> > design a circuit with single-source parts". If your sole 
> supplier gets 
> > "stomped on by a dinosaur" you're SOL.
> >

 That's why I wrote TAOO...

it encapsulates your functionality in your own language modules regardless
of language. Since all functions are atomic, they are easy to port. Better
yet, since the "base" of taoo is just a base, replacing it usually doesn't
affect the libraries - or shouldn't too much!

TAOO is easy to work with in cooperative mode too (see modular programming
somewhere) and as far as functionalities, it's incremental and persistent.
So collaboration can really accelerate it's development and decuplate its

It ports right out to cgi-bin rev files too. It does ebooks like acrobat
(since before acrobat existed but not for printing - I don't like printing),
it does automation (with applescripts or vbs), in brief, it does LOTS!

And it's open source too (designed that way since before the word opensource
existed). Also had it's own xml tagging before xml existed (but it's not as
rich as xml/xsl, etc)...

It worked as php/mysql did since long ago, had relational lookups since long
ago too... Long ago = 10 years btw!!! Actually it was a CMS before CMS
(content management systems) existed! So im confident it's not more advanced
that lots of these ajax or phpnuke systems out there, it's far easier to
build and work with!

Other applets in TAOO include: db middleware interfacing, filebrowsing +
preview, auto-formating, global-search indexing/relational lookups, html
parsing, code translation, multi-language interfaces+spelling, ebook and
business application "part" templates (just copy paste and you got an index
with 'incremental search' for example), auto-typing, skins for windows, etc
etc etc... All of this in copy-paste groups of guis that work without or
little coding where you paste them!

You can still go with Wiki or other CMS tools, php+any sql, etc... in the
end you're still stuck into a browser with an ugly language to develop in
(although you do get threading ;(! Here you get 15 years of cummulative
refinements and scripts (1000s) libraries in the easiest RAD to work with.
Speaking of RADs, TAOO makes Rev about 10X or more faster and comes with
it's own script editor that really rocks since 6 years (currently being

Will TAOO work on the web? Yes but I can't do both app and web APIs so im
concentrating on the rev platform first (where I use it the most). Is it
solid, bug free? Almost but it's because im still the only one interested in
working in such 'frameworks' it seems - Rev users' usage of Rev is probably
different than mine probably. But I do use it to manage a multi-TB storage
environment, backups, servers, users in a large multinational corporate
network like few will see in their lifetimes - It's HUGE - and rev+TAOO is
up to the task anytime!

I wish others would come in and help like "others on the web" do with
opensource projects like linux, php, php-nuke, wiki+wiki likes... but not
many have responded. So when these "threads" come by, it's usually time for
me to do more defensive PR on it since no one mentions the effort! But like
many other systems like it in Rev (freecard, etc...) - global interest is

One day, I hope to complete the circle in TAOO and have it all work
seemlessly. So far, with my 2 hands, I've done a lot more than most CMS
systems out there have done - including wiki (without the data ;)! TAOO is
about 71MBs of scripts and data in some 200 stacks working together as
libraries of scripts, datas and GUIs! 

Is it different than php+sql? Yes, it adds a gui and language layer that's
"human" and far quicker to develop, more practical to use and usually faster
and far more richer for productivity!

Will the dinosaur kill it? No way - it didn't when the dino stomped on
hypercard! And I managed to develop it, or rather evolve it in a dinosaur
like HyperCard with its 32KB limit! ;) 

I still need to work on the documentation, web-updates, etc... - but I only
have 2 hands... So if "source-parts" are open-source, there's no single
source... But if no one tries to help, it's just as useless to talk about
this thread isn't it?

Latest features in TAOO include:
- a geometric interface management library (unbreakable)
- a multilanguage spell checker (it even does Klingon!)

Because of the constant beta-stage of TAOO I won't release it just yet -
except parts that do work... But those intersted can join in the team and
work on any features that interst you. 

Xavier - see our forum for the language keywords, the
downloads for the many examples and documentation.

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