insert data into database problem

Supote Songthammawat supote.songthammawat at
Mon Oct 10 23:28:47 EDT 2005

Dear Sir,
        I have  some problem about insert data by sql into database. Why 
I can't not to insert into database? When I press button save  it will 
occur :

1 (Create PersonSysID) : u just add [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive 
Server Enterprise] The name "khunnawut" is illegal in this context. Only 
constant, constant expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names 
are illegal. record into DB
 My script below of save button below:

put revDataFromQuery (,return, tID, "SELECT MAX(personSysID) FROM 
PERSON_TABLE") into tNewEnPersonSysIds
  answer tNewEnPersonSysIds
  if tNewEnPersonSysIds is empty then
    put 1 into tNewEnPersonSysIds
    put tNewEnPersonSysIds + 1 into tNewEnPersonSysIds
  end if
  answer tNewEnPersonSysIds
  put tNewEnPersonSysIds into tNewPersonSysIds
  put fld "FirstName" into tFirstName
  put fld "LastName" into tLastName
  put fld "MiddleName" into tMiddleName
  put text of fld "DateofBirth" into tDateofBirth
  put 1 into tPersonTitleCode
  put the hilitedButtonName of group "Identification" into tGenderCode
  put 1 into tDeceasedIndicator
  put 1 into tOrganDonorIndicator
  put 1 into tMultipleBirthIndicator
  put tNewPersonSysIds, tFirstName, tLastName, tMiddleName, 
tDateofBirth, tPersonTitleCode, \
      tGenderCode, tDeceasedIndicator, tOrganDonorIndicator, 
tMultipleBirthIndicator into tPersonEntTbl
  put "INSERT INTO PERSON_TABLE(personSysID, firstName, lastName, " \
      &&  "middleName, dateOfBirth, personTitleCode, genderCode, 
deceasedIndicator, " \
      && "organDonorIndicator, multipleBirthIndicator) VALUES 
("&tPersonEntTbl&")" into tSql
  revExecuteSQL tID, tSql
  answer "1 (Create PersonSysID) : u just add "&the result&" record into DB"

I think I must convert to unidecode before insert , correct?
Please suggest me to solve this problem. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

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