High-Lighting an Image Object

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Mon Oct 3 12:20:51 EDT 2005

David Burgun wrote:
> Hmmmmm, It seems pretty ariibtary which properties are enabled in which 
> objects. I would have thought that being able to control the borderColor 
> of an image would be very usefull. Why isn't this property implemented 
> for images?

It is.  The only arbitrary element here is which properties the IDE 
chooses to provide pickers for; the engine does provide a borderColor 
property for image objects.

Hard way to verify this:

on mouseUp
   put the properties of image 1 into t
   combine t with cr and tab
   put t
end mouseUp

Simple way to verify this:

Use my 4W Props tool, available as part of devolution:

...and also available separately in RevNet --
see Development->Plugins->GoRevNet

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com

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