Load URL returns error 10049

Erin Smale erin.smale at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:24:17 EST 2005

Hi Dave,

So to make it clear:

* Customer can use the IP or URL in her browser with no error
* Customer has no Internet access problems using her browser
* Customer is not on a network, is not behind a firewall, and uses no
* Customer uses DHCP to obtain her TCP/IP settings
* Any IP or URL accessed via the Rev app generates an error
* The same Rev app works fine for 50 other folks

I'm with Dave that there's definitely something wonky about this customer's
setup. His suggestions are good. Some other things to check:

* I'd like to see her hosts file, just to rule out any misbehaviour there.
It's probably not a factor, since she can use her browser without a problem,
but I'd like to rule it out.

* How is she connecting to the Internet? If she's using DHCP, I suspect
she's getting an address from her ISP's pool. However, if she had a
high-speed connection (e.g. DSL), she could be getting her IP from a local
router, and that piece of hardware could be a factor.

Logging the results from libURL would be helpful so we can see exactly
what's being passed.


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