This is what REALLY SUCKS about whingeing

Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Nov 28 00:28:23 EST 2005

Second that... I've been using Metacard and RunRev now for what...ten  
years? can't remember when I switched from Supercard... in that whole  
time  think I had 4 corrupt stacks. All the work of which (script  
wise) was easily recovered by simply opening the broken stack in  
BBEdit and copying out my scripts.

I think this qualifies as about as  "Rock Solid!" as you can get...  
and I use Rev intensively, every day... not for commercial apps, but  
Rev apps drive key in-house applications for Hinduism Today  
International Magazine and Himalayan Academy Publications.

Things you can do that still amaze me: like today in 2 hours I ripped  
through 1447 old web files, fixed links... re-wired them all, removed  
code, inserting new code and had the book up on the distribution  
server before lunch... You just don't get this kind of productivity  
with *anything* else I have ever used on a computer. And xTalk is the  
only language I know....

vs: the Adobe environment we live in here where we experience  
literally dozens of file corruptions every quarter (IDCS is getting  
better though... so it's less these days)

Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
katir at

On Nov 26, 2005, at 11:31 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Corruption is not impossible with any file format, but for the  
> reasons described in those posts it's exremely rare with Rev,  
> certainly orders of magnitude more frequent in any other xTalk or  
> even FileMaker Pro.

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