Player use

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Nov 26 14:08:06 EST 2005

Frank R wrote:

 > Ok, why can I play a MIDI file using a player copied to a window, but
 > I can't play a MIDI file using the play command.  Using the play
 > command, I get a nice screech, leading me to believe it is
 > interpreting the MIDI file as an audio file of some form.

Right. Player objects use QuickTime to interpret and process the audio. 
Since QT supports MIDI, it plays correctly. You also have more control 
over playback when using a player object.

The "play" command works with only a subset of audio formats and plays 
the files directly. In general, you can use the "play" command with .au, 
.aif, and .wav files as long as they have NO compression (and I haven't 
had great luck with .wav in any case.)

If at all possible, a player object is the prefered method, and for the 
case of MIDI it is the only method.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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